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After a long winter, tired skin benefits from a kick-start into spring

After a long winter, tired skin benefits from a kick-start into spring

Finally, the cold season is over and we can start to enjoy the first sun rays caressing our skin. The constant harsh changes between dry heated inside air and cold temperatures outside have strained the skin. After the cold season, the skin needs specific care in spring to prepare it for the warmer temperatures. Now the skin needs to adjust to the changing conditions such as rising temperatures and especially the increased UV radiation.

This does not happen overnight, but specific care will help the skin to better manage the change. The spring sun not only puts a smile on our face, it also boosts the skin’s blood circulation and metabolism. The skin will regenerate faster than in winter- time, causing it to produce more little flakes. It also produces more sebum (natural oils) in spring. This sebum is a perfect breeding ground for small pimples and irritations.

Therefore, during the changing seasons you should use amild peeling twice a week, this will help to remove the skinflakes and also cleanse the pores. After that, a face mask penetrating deep into the skin will moisturise and replenish it at the same time. Ideal for daily skin care are mild cleansing creams or lotions that gently rid the skin of detrimental residues and simultaneously have a nourishing effect. Using a facial brush to work in the cleansing products with gently rotating movements will enhance the effect.

After a good cleansing, the skin is perfectly prepared toabsorb the care products. Apart from the daily-applied dayand night creams matching your skin type, serums are val- uable products that help straightening your skin. If you are over 30, products that stimulate the collagen production can help to enhance the density and firmness of your skin.

The result is a tighter and fuller skin. In springtime, you should rather refrain from using make-upand instead use slightly tinted day creams or special mois- turising creams with a low self-tanning content. These will give you a beautiful, even complexion and a very natural look.

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